B.C.’s Ministry of Attorney General (the Ministry) is pleased to invite Indigenous Peoples with lived experience in topics related to families to participate in an upcoming regional dialogue session on the modernization of the Family Law Act.
Engagements with First Nations on the Early Learning and Child Care Action Plan
The Ministry of Education and Child Care is developing a 2023 – 2026 Action Plan for the Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement (CW-ELCC). This Action Plan will outline the key goals and initiatives to support quality, affordable, accessible and inclusive...
Indigenous Child and Family Service Newsletter
This newsletter is meant to share information and support the ministry’s commitment to ongoing consultation and collaboration with Indigenous Peoples, partners and governments to develop legislation and services consistent with the provincial Declaration on the Rights...
Revised Final Settlement Agreement: Justice for First Nations Children
The First Nations Leadership Council (FNLC) and the Indigenous Child & Family Services Directors Our ChildrenOur Way Society welcome the completion of a revised Final Settlement Agreement on compensation.(Ottawa, ON) – The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) and the...
Assembly of First Nations & Caring Society – Press Release
(Ottawa, ON) – The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) and the First Nations Child and Family CaringSociety (Caring Society) are pleased to announce a revised Final Settlement Agreement (FSA) oncompensation
B.C. boosts payments for children in foster, kinship, out-of-care placements
Foster parents and others who support vulnerable children and youth will soon have more assistance with monthly costs, with an increase to payments that help cover food, clothing and transportation costs for children and youth in their care.
First Nation becomes first in B.C. to sign agreement asserting rights over child welfare
The Splatsin First Nation became the first Indigenous community in B.C. to take control of its child-welfare system under new federal and provincial legislation
First Nations Early Learning and Child Care – Grant Opportunity
A one-time First Nations Early Learning and Child Care Grant, offered by the Ministry of Educationand Child Care, is now available to all First Nations in B.C. that wish to participate.
Storwell Self Storage Bursary Program
Supporting Young Adults Formerly Involved in Government Care with Post-Secondary Education Costs Young adults transitioning or transitioned from government care face significant barriers to accessingadequate educational opportunities, especially post-secondary...
Support for Youth Transitioning to Adulthood in British Columbia – Rent Supplements & More
Infographic: Support For Youth Transitions Implementation Rent Supplements and more!
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If you have any questions, please contact Allyssa Lobbezoo, FNLC Children and Families Policy Analyst: allyssa@ubcic.bc.ca